THE legends have landed, and we've got 'em. Lindisfarne, through all their changes, prove that some things stay the same...the end-to-end hits are still brilliant and they're still among Britain's greatest festival bands. And what hits: Lady Eleanor, January Song, Run For Home, Meet Me On The Corner, Fog On The Tyne...they go on and on. Still fronted by original founder-member Rod Clements on vocals, mandolin, fiddle and slide guitar, this is a concert not to be missed. Demand for tickets is likely to be huge so don't miss out. Mae’r cerddorion chwedlonol wedi glanio – ac fe fyddan nhw yma. Mae Lindisfarne wedi profi – er eu holl newidiadau – bod rhai pethau yn ddi-newid… mae’r caneuon poblogaidd yn glasuron ac maen nhw’n dal i sefyll fel un o’r bandiau gorau mewn gwyliau. A beth am eu caneuon: Lady Eleanor, January Song, Run For Home, Meet Me On The Corner, Fog On The Tyne... Gyda’u harweinydd gwreiddiol o hyd - Rod Clements – ar lais, mandolin, ffidil a gitâr llithr, ni ddykech chi golli’r gyngerdd hon. Mae’n siwr y bydd galw mawr am docynnau, felly peidiwch oedi.


SENSATIONAL storytelling, gorgeous lyrics, warm harmonies and relentless repartee…The Young’Uns live shows are works of art. Sean Cooney, Michael Hughes and David Eagle (the award- winning stand-up comedian) write and sing folk songs for today. They have led the band to three BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards (including Best Album in 2018 for Strangers). Nearly twenty years after accidentally meeting in their local folk club as drunken teenagers, (and gaining their name in the process) these three thirtysomething friends from Stockton and Hartlepool have never lost the joy of that first night of singing together. As The Guardian says in its 5-star review: "The harmonies are glorious, the wit is waspish. The songs are powerful, the banter is relentless and the audience is happy. What’s not to like?" Chwedleuwyr iasol, caneuon telynegol, cytgordiau twymganol a smaldod di-ddiwedd… mae perfformiadau byw Y Young’Uns yn weithiau celfyddydol. Mae Sean Cooney, Michael Hughes a David Eagle (y comedïwr gwobrwyedig) yn ysgrifennu caneuon gwerin cyfoes ac wedi ennill y band 3 gwobr gwerin BBC Radio 2 (gan gynnwys Album Gorau yn 2018 am ‘Strangers’). Bron i ugain mlynedd ar ôl cwrdd fel meddwon ifanc yn eu clwb gwerin lleol (a thrwy hynny yn bathu enw’r band) mae’r tri chyfaill hyn yn eu tridegau o Stockton a Hartlepool wedi colli dim o’r llawenydd a gawsant wrth gyd-ganu ar y noson gyntaf. Medd y Guardian yn ei arolwg 5-seren: “The harmonies are glorious, the wit is waspish. The songs are powerful, the banter is relentless and the audience is happy. What’s not to like?”.


YOU’LL probably know O’Hooley and Tidow best for their brilliant Gentleman Jack theme tune, but in the 13 years that Belinda O’Hooley and Heidi Tidow have been writing songs together, their stage act and repertoire have become among the most glorious in folk. Hugely observant - sometimes uncomfortably so - wry, melancholic and downright funny. They have a stage-manner likened to Jo Brand meets Laurel & Hardy. But even that doesn’t do justice to these forces of nature. Prepare to laugh, cry and be moved beyond words. Mae’n debyg y byddwch chi’n gyfarwydd ag O’Hooley a Tidow am eu harwyddgân bachog i‘r gyfres teledu ‘Gentleman Jack’, ond yn ystod eu 13 blynedd o gyd-ysgrifennu caneuon, mae Belinda O’Hooley a Heidi Tidow wedi crefftio trysorfa ogoneddus. Sylwebwyr craff, weithiau’n bruddglwyfus ac yn aml iawn yn ddoniol dros ben. Maen nhw wedi cyffelybu â Jo Brand a Laurel a Hardy am eu perfformiadau byw, ond nid yw hynny’n ddisgrifiad digon cyflawn o’r deuawd hynod hwn. Byddwch yn barod i chwerthin crîo a chael eich cynhyrfu.


FINALLY he’s here - back where he belongs on the big concert stage that fans have been clamouring for. Huw Williams is arguably Wales’s greatest folk songwriter in a generation. His songs are the staples of folk club floor singers not just across Britain, but across swathes of the English-speaking world… timeless classics such as Rosemary’s Sister, The Summer Before the War, The Flanders March, Travelling By Steam and so many more. Some became hits for bands such as Fairport Convention, but only Huw himself can deliver these gems as they were originally intended. Too often, great performers choose to ignore their back catalogue, but we are delighted that Huw has agreed to sing a concert of his classics, accompanied by superb double- bassist Ben Tunnicliffe. There hasn’t been a concert like this in many years. O’r diwedd mae e’n ôl adref yn ei gynefin ar lwyfan o flaen ei gefnogwyr di-rif. Gellid dadlau mae Huw Williams yw’r canwr-cyfansoddwr gorau o’i genhedlaeth yng Nghymru. Cewch glywed perfformiadau cyson o’i ganeuon mewn clybiau gwerin nid yn unig ar draws Prydain ond hefyd trwy’r gwledydd Saesneg eu hiaith dros y byd.. clasuron fel Rosemary’s Sister, The Summer Before the War, The Flanders March, Travelling By Steam a sawl un arall. Er daeth rai yn boblogaidd i fandiau fel Fairport Convention, dim ond Huw all gyflwyno’r perlau hyn fel y’u ysgrifennwyd yn wreiddiol. Mor aml mae perfformwyr yn anwybyddu eu hen ganeuon, ond rydyn ni wrth ein boddau bod Huw wedi cytuno i berfformio ei glasuron i gyfeiliant Ben Tunnicliffe, maestro ar y bâs dwbl. Ni fu cyngerdd fel hon ers rhai blynyddoedd.


PUT on your dancing shoes! Rusty Shackle are UK festival favourites coming home to a roof-raising reception. The six-piece Monmouthshire-based folk-rock band are, individually, Liam Collins (vocals, guitar), Scott McKeon (Fiddle, banjo, vocals), Baz Barwick (Guitar, tenor guitar, mandolin, vocals), Ryan Williams (Bass guitar, trumpet, piano, vocals), George Barrell (Drums, vocals), and Alex McConnachie (Guitar, vocals). They played for us the year before last and raised the roof. Rusty Shackle are influenced by Celtic music, bluegrass, folk, rock and old time blues. Their first EP, ‘Hounds Of Justice’, reached Number 2 in the iTunes Singer Songwriter charts. Since then, they’ve blazed a trail across Britain with gigs including the Cambridge Folk Festival and alongside Emilie Sande. Their new album, Under A Bloodshot Moon has roared up the UK folk album charts. Dewch â’ch sgidiau dawns! Mae Rusty Shackle yn ffefrynau gwyliau ledled Prydain sy’n dychwelyd adref i groeso brwdfrydig. Mae’r chechawd roc-gwerin o Sir Fynwy yn cynnwys Liam Collins (llais, gitarau), Scott McKeon (ffidil, banjo, llais), Baz Barwick (gitâr, gitâr tenor, mandolin, llais), Ryan Williams (gitâr bâs, trwmped, piano, llais), George Barrell (drymiau, llais) ac Alex McConnachie (gitâr, llais). Perfformion nhw yma ddwy flynedd yn ôl, gan godi’r to. Mae nhw wedi’u dylanwadu gan gerddoriaeth Geltaidd, bluegrass, gwerin, roc a’r hen felan. Cyrhaeddod ei EP cyntaf, ‘Hounds Of Justice’, rif 2 yn siartiau Canwr-Awdur iTunes. Ers hynny, maen nhw wedi perfformio dros Brydain mewn gwyliau megis Gŵyl Werin Caergrawnt a gydag Emilie Sandé. Mae eu albwm newydd ‘Under A Bloodshot Moon’ wedi saethu lan siartiau gwerin y DU.


VRï are Jordan Price Williams (cello, voice), Aneirin Jones (violin, voice) and Patrick Rimes (viola, violin, voice). All three - among the towering talents of their generation - are also members of Welsh superband Pendevig. VRï have unearthed long-lost nuggets that shed a new light on a vibrant folk tradition that harnesses the raw energy of the fiddle with the finesse of the violin, the beauty of chamber music with the hwyl of a pub session. Their songs, sung with powerful vocal harmonies, tell stories of the people who struggled 200 years ago, just as many struggle today. VRï’s 2019 debut album ‘Ty Ein Tadau’ (House Of Our Fathers) has become an award- winning classic. Their latest album ‘islais a genir’ (a sung whisper) released in October 2022, went the same way. VRï, by the way, means in old Welsh 'lifting' or 'levitating'. Or, as Patrick says: “A of a catch-all phrase for upness.” VRï yw Jordan Price Williams (soddgrwth a llais), Aneirin Jones (ffidil a llais) a Patrick Rimes (viola, fidil a llais). Maent i gyd ymhlith talentau aruchel eu cenhedlaeth ac hefyd yn aelodau’r arch-grŵp Cymreig Pendevig. Mae VRï wedi dadorchuddio perlau hir-golledig a rhoi egni newydd i draddodiad gwerin bywiog sy’n cyfuno egni cignoeth y ffidil a chywreinrwydd y fiolin, a harddwch cerddoriaeth siambr gyda hwyl sesiwn dafarn. Mae’r caneuon – gyda lleisiau mewn cytgord grymus - yn dod â brwydrau pobl 200 mlynedd yn ôl yn fyw. Mae albwm cyntaf VRï o 2019, ‘Tŷ Ein Tadau’ yn glasur. Rhyddhawyd eu halbwm diweddaraf, 'Islais a Genir' ym mis Hydref 2022, ac wedi cyrraedd yr un safon. Ystyr Vrî yn hen Gymraeg, gyda llaw yw ‘codi’ neu ‘hedfan’.


WE can pretty much guarantee you’ve never heard anything a fresh as this in a UK festival. The minute we were introduced to his work, we were hooked.Jake is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist and songwriter from Saskatchewan, Canada. His traditional sound and unique style are a blend of Bluegrass and 50s Rockabilly. Jake’s guitar and banjo playing are brilliant - and so is the phenomenal musicianship of his band, the Sturgeon River Boys. In his native Canada Jake is very big news indeed. In 2022 he won two Saskatchewan Music Awards including Album of the Year for Everybody But Me, along with the Folk/Roots Artist of the Year. In addition, he won FOUR Saskatchewan Country Music Awards, including Fans Choice Entertainer of the Year, Songwriter of the Year, Alternative Country Album of the Year and Emerging Artist of the Year. This’ll be a foot-stomping gem of a concert. Go brin y byddwch chi wedi clywed dim byd mor ffres â hyn mewn gŵyl o’r blaen. Cawsom ein swyno ar y gwrandawiad cyntaf. Mae Jake yn aml-offerynwr ac awdur caneuon hunan-ddysgedig, yn hanu o Saskatchewan, Canada - gydag arddull unigryw sy’n gyfuniad bluegrass a rockabilly o’r pumdegau. Mae’n athrylith ar y gitâr a banjo – ac felly hefyd gweddill ei fand, y Sturgeon River Boys. Mae Jake yn gawr yn ôl yng Nghanada: yn 2022 enillodd CHWE gwobr yn Saskatchewan – albwm y flwyddyn am ‘ Everybody But Me’ ac Artist Gwerin y Flwyddyn, yn ogystal â Dewis Diddanwr y Flwyddyn, Awdur Caneuon y Flwyddyn, Albwm Amgenach y Flwyddyn a Newydd-ddyfodiad y Flwyddyn am gerddoriaeth wlad. Bydd hon yn berl o gyngerdd.


WHAT a stunning voice to open our first 2024 evening concert. Singer- songwriter Luke Jackson has one of the most distinctive bluesy, soulful vocal styles in the UK. Since his 2012 debut album More Than Boys (produced by Wales’s Martyn Joseph) Luke has toured and recorded relentlessly. He has starred at the Costa del Folk, toured the USA, and supported Fairport Convention, Richard Thompson, Marillion and Jools Holland - including a concert with Jools at the Royal Albert Hall. Speaking of Luke’s seven-track EP Of The Time, Fatea magazine enthused: “Luke Jackson has gifted us with one of the most important and essential releases I’ve heard in quite some time” we reckon you’ll feel the same about our festival concert. Am lais syfrdanol i agor ein cyngerdd gyntaf yn 2024. Mae gan y canwr-awdur Luke Jackson un o’r lleisiau mwyaf nodedig yn y DU. Ers rhyddhau ei albwm gyntaf ‘More Than Boys’ yn 2012 (a gynhyrchwyd gan y Cymro Martyn Joseph) mae Jake wedi teithio a recordio yn ddi-flino. Serenodd yn y Costa del Folk, teithiod UDA, a chefnogodd Fairport Convention, Richard Thompson, Marillion a Jools Holland – gan gynnwys cyngerdd gyda Jools yn Neuadd Albert. Adolygwyd EP saith gan Jake ‘Of The Time’ gan y cylchgrawn Fatea: “Luke Jackson has gifted us with one of the most important and essential releases I’ve heard in quite some time”. Hyderwn y byddwch chi’n cytuno.


ALAW are the definition of a Welsh supergroup. Guitar virtuoso Dylan Fowler has played with Nigel Kennedy and Richard Thompson among others. Nia Lynn, a sensational vocalist and the band’s harmonium player, has graced stages as diverse as Ronnie Scott’s and the Royal Albert Hall. And new member Patrick Rimes - replacing the great Oli Wilson-Dickson who is off to pastures new - is one of the greatest fiddle players of his generation. Patrick is going to be particularly busy this weekend - he is also one third of VRï and will also be playing with the Basque Folk Orchestra. Mae Alaw yn enghraifft berffaith o arch-grŵp Cymreig. Mae’r gitarydd meistrolgar Dylan Fowler wedi perfformio gyda Nigel Kennedy a Richard Thompson, ymysg enwogion eraill. Mae gan Nia Lynn - sy’n chwarae’r harmonium – lais syfrdanol ac wedi troedio llwyfannau mor wahanol â chlwb Ronnie Scott a’r Neuadd Albert. Mae gan Alaw aelod newydd, hefyd: ar ôl ymadawiad Oli Wilson-Dickson mae Patrick Rimes – un o’r goreuon o’i genhedlaeth ar y ffidil – wedi ymuno â’r band. Bydd Patrick yn hynod o brysur trwy gydol yr ŵyl: mae e’n aelod o’r triawd VRï ac fe fydd e’n perfformio gyda Cherddorfa Werin Gwlad y Basg, hefyd.


The Often Herd are the freshest new presence in UK bluegrass. The Newcastle-based band have made their name with “a winning combination of virtuosity, willingness to push boundaries and above all great songs and playing.” (Maverick Magazine). While they may resemble an American string band, The Often Herd’s transatlantic sound is deeply coloured by the natural and industrial landscapes of their native Northern England. Rupert Hughes (guitar) and Evan Davies (mandolin), write songs steeped in personal experience, while drawing from a wide pool of influences ranging from old-time mountain music to traditional Northumbrian tunes. American-born fiddle virtuoso Niles Krieger and jazz bassist Sam Quintana add fiery instrumental skills to the mix. As BBC Radio’s Mark Walsh says: “I’m not sure it gets much better, either in terms of music from the North-East or terms of bluegrass.” Mae’r Often Herd y presenoldeb newydd mwyaf ffres yn bluegrass y DU. Mae’r band o Newcastle wedi gwneud eu henw gyda “a winning combination of virtuosity, willingness to push boundaries and above all great songs and playing.” (Cylchgrawn Maverick). Er y gallant ymdebygu i fand llinynnol Americanaidd, mae sain trawsiwerydd The Often Herd wedi’i lliwio’n ddwfn gan dirweddau naturiol a diwydiannol eu brodorol Gogledd Lloegr. Mae Rupert Hughes (gitâr) ac Evan Davies (mandolin), yn ysgrifennu caneuon sydd wedi'u trwytho mewn profiad personol, tra'n tynnu o gronfa eang o ddylanwadau sy'n amrywio o gerddoriaeth fynydd yr hen amser i alawon Northumbria traddodiadol. Mae’r pencampwr ffidil Niles Krieger, a’r basydd jazz Sam Quintana yn ychwanegu sgiliau offerynnol tanllyd i’r gymysgedd. Fel y dywed Mark Walsh o Radio’r BBC: “I’m not sure it gets much better, either in terms of music from the North-East or terms of bluegrass.”


ECLECTIC is the perfect word to describe the music that the ESE perform; having three songwriters means that there is huge diversity in the style of their songs and it would be impossible to limit the description of their material to one genre. Ron Savory, Liz Crippin and Alan Thomas all actively write and perform solo. Ron and Liz had already built a huge international following as a duo. With the addition of Alan, the expanded version of The ESE has reinvigorated the influences of their material, resulting in ever more interesting and…well…eclectic versions of their solo material! The ESE performed for us in 2023 in our free Community Centre Saturday concert - and there wasn’t a spare seat as they mesmerised the audience. Since then their concerts have got bigger and bigger - including as support for Merry Hell. Our main stage is where talent this big deserves to be. Mae’r enw yn ddisgrifiad perffaith: gyda phob aelod yn ysgrifennu’r caneuon mae’r gerddoriaeth yn croesi sawl ffin. Mae Ron Savory, Liz Crippin ac Alan Thomas i gyd yn ysgrifennu a pherfformio fel unawdwyr ac roedd Ron a Liz eisoes wedi casglu dilynwyr rhyngwladol di-rif fel deuawd. Gydag Allan, mae’r fersiwn estynedig o’r ESE wedi’i atgyfnerthu ac adfywio, gan greu caneuon hyd yn oed mwy diddorol. Perfformiodd yr ESE y llynedd yn ein cyngerdd ddydd Sadwrn yn y Ganolfan Gymunedol – ac roedd y lle dan ei sang. Ers hynny, mae nhw wedi mynd o nerth i nerth - gan gynnwys cefnogi Merry Hell. Mae artistiaid talentog fel hyn yn llawn haeddu eu lle ar y prif llwyfan.


IF you’ve never seen Avanc before, you’ll feel like you’ve been in the path of an express train. Even if you have seen them, you still won’t know what to expect - other than this is Welsh musicianship and eye-popping virtuosity at its spellbinding height. Avanc are Wales’ National Youth Folk Band, and they specialise in unearthing forgotten musical gems from ancient manuscripts and reworking them in their own energetic image. Avanc’s powerful 11-piece lineup include fiddles, triple harps, bagpipes and five clog dancers. As part of their performance, in a glorious meeting of cultures, Avanc will play a specially-commissioned piece with India Dance Wales. The performance is generously supported by Ty Cerdd, promoting and celebrating the music and culture of Wales. For more information on Tŷ Cerdd’s brilliant work, please click the link on our ‘SPONSORS’ page. Mae perfformiadau Avanc yn bwerus a gwreiddiol. Fyddan nhw’n sicr o synnu pawb gyda’u chwarae meistrolgar. Avanc yw Band Gwerin Cnedlaethol Cymru ac maen nhw’n arbenigo ar atgyfodi trysorau cerddorol o hen ysgrifau a’u ail-weithoi nhw gyda’u steil unigryw eu hun. Mae’r 11 aelod yn cynnwys sawl ffidil, telynau teir-rhes, pibau Cymreig a phum clocswr. Bydd Avanc yn cyd-berfformio gydag India Dance Wales darn sydd wedi’i gomisiynu’n arbennig o dan nawdd hael Tŷ Cerdd i hybu a dathlu cerddoriaeth a diwylliant Cymru. Am ragor o wybodaeth ar waith ysblennydd Tŷ Cerdd cliciwch ar y ddolen ar ein tudalen ‘NODDWYR’.


We’re more than delighted to welcome, from Australia, the towering talent of Liz Stringer. Liz is one of Australia’s most admired and versatile songwriters and instrumentalists. With a career spanning six studio albums and a slew of awards and honours, Stringer is a venerated guitarist and vocalist, her powerful live performances and melodically rich, story-based songs earning her a unique place among the most important Australian songwriters of the modern era. She has also toured the world as backing vocalist and occasional instrumentalist for Aussie giants Midnight Oil (whose global hit Beds Are Burnin’ is one of the great rock anthems). Jackson Browne invited her to open for him on his Australian tour, while Bonnie Raitt says: “I​‘m​ ​a​ ​big​ ​fan​ ​of​ ​Liz​ ​Stringer​ ​–​ ​and​ ​you​ ​can​ ​tell​ ​her​ ​that!.” Mae’n bleser mawr gennym groesawu, o Awstralia, dalent aruthrol Liz Stringer. Mae Liz yn un o gyfansoddwyr caneuon ac offerynwyr mwyaf edmygedd ac amryddawn Awstralia. Gyda gyrfa sy’n ymestyn dros chwe albwm stiwdio a llu o wobrau ac anrhydeddau, mae Stringer yn gitarydd a chantores uchel eu parch, gyda’i pherfformiadau byw pwerus a’i chaneuon stori-a-lluaidd cyfoethog yn ennill lle unigryw iddi ymhlith cyfansoddwyr caneuon Awstralia pwysicaf y cyfnod modern. Mae hi hefyd wedi teithio’r byd fel cantores gefnogol ac offerynnwr achlysurol i gewri Awstralia, Midnight Oil (y mae eu record fyd-eang Beds Are Burnin’ yn un o’r anthemau roc mawr). Gwahoddodd Jackson Browne hi i agor iddo ar ei daith yn Awstralia, tra bod Bonnie Raitt yn dweud: “I​‘m​ ​a​ ​big​ ​fan​ ​of​ ​Liz​ ​Stringer​ ​–​ ​and​ ​you​ ​can​ ​tell​ ​her​ ​that!.”


Light up your mobile phones and wave them in the air for the last ever full-band performance by the mighty James Clode Band. The Saturday-night gig on our main stage will be an emotional event for this sensational group of seven musicians all at the top of their game. JCB’s stunning blend of rootsy folk-rock has graced festivals and stadiums across the UK since they formed in South Wales a decade ago. The songwriting skills, voice and sheer stage presence of band leader James Dafis-Clode invite Springsteen comparisons, and their seminal album Citadel has won rave reviews. “It’s a wicked album, crammed full of delights,” says one critic. “This band are what festivals are made for.” The band have reluctantly decided to call it a day after the devastating loss of their wonderful drummer and friend John Turner in 2021. For our festival gig they will be performing with Lava Deltas drummer Dan Tilbury alongside Lava Deltas frontman Joe Llewellyn on lead guitar. Besides these two (and, of course, James himself on guitar and vocals) this glorious last stand for the band will comprise Ffion Dafis-Clode (saxophone), Derek Morgan (bass), Gordon Keir (keyboards), and Elaine Morgan, one of the great voices of UK folk on vocals and percussion. “This is going to be an epic night,” says James. “There won’t be a dry eye on stage, but we’re determined to play a gig we’ll all remember for the rest of our lives.” Goleuwch eich ffonau symudol, a’u chwifio nhw yn yr awyr am berfformiad olaf oll Band James Clode. Bydd eu sesiwn nos Sadwrn ar ein prif llwyfan yn brofiad emosiynol i‘r grŵp hwn o saith gerddor iasol sydd ar frig eu crefft. Maen nhw wedi dod â’u cyfuniad syfrdanol o gerddoriaeth roc a gwerin i stadiymau a gwyliau ledled y DU ers ffurfio yn ne Cymru ddegawd yn ôl. Am ei sgiliau cyfansoddi caneuon mae arweinydd y band, James Dafis-Clode wedi’i gyffelybu â Springsteen, ac ennillodd yr albwm Citadel adolygiadau brwdfrydig: “It’s a wicked album, crammed full of delights,” medd un beiriniad ac hefyd “This band are what festivals are made for”. Maen nhw wedi penderfynu – yn gyndyn iawn – rhoi’r gorau iddi yn sgîl colled trist eu cyfaill, y drymiwr penigamp John Turner yn 2021. Am eu gig yn ein gŵyl eleni fe gawn nhw gwmni y drymiwr Dan Tilbury o’r Lava Deltas ac arweinydd y Lava Deltas, Joe Llewellyn ar gitâr blaen. Ynghyd â’r ddau hyn (a James ei hun, wrth gwrs ar lais a gitâr) fe welwn ni Ffion Dafis-Clode (sacsoffôn), Derek Morgan (bâs), Gordon Keir (allweddellau), ac Elaine Morgan, un o’r lleisiau gorau’r byd gwerin yn y DU ar lais ac offer taro. Medd James: “There won’t be a dry eye on stage, but we’re determined to play a gig we’ll all remember for the rest of our lives.”


COMBINING the rich tradition of Manx music with the vibrant sounds of the Irish, Scottish and Estonian traditions, fiddle virtuoso Elizabeth Davidson- Blythe & guitarist Daniel Quayle have forged a sound that is both dramatic and compelling. The Isle of Man-based duo released their highly anticipated debut album, The Coast Road, in September 2022. It has right.y been hailed as “a hell of an album” by Folk Wales Magazine and “an exhilarating journey from two bright and inspired talents” by At the Barrier. Their extensive travels have helped to shape their distinctive sound — blending old melodies with new rhythms and ideas that are presented with a powerful conviction that continuously brings audiences to their feet. We can’t think of a better duo - or sound - to grace our special early-evening concert on Festival Friday. Mae’r feistres ffidil Elizabeth Davidson-Blythe a’r gitarydd Daniel Quayle ( wedi cyfuno traddodiadau cyfoethog Ynys Manaw, Iwerddon, Yr Alban ac Estonia i greu sŵn dramatig a phwerus. Rhyddhawyd eu halbwm cyntaf, The Coast Road ym mis Medi 2022. Yn ôl Folk Wales Magazine mae e’n “hell of an album” ac “an exhilarating journey from two bright and inspired talents” (At the Barrier). Daw’r sŵn unigryw o’u teithio helaeth – cyfuniad o hen alawon a rhythmau a syniadau newydd a gyflwynir gyda’r fath arddeliad sy’n codi cynulleidfaoedd i‘w traed. Am ddueawd – a sŵn – perffaith i agor ein cyngerdd cynnar nos Wener..


THE stunning duo of Wynford Jones and Geoff Cripps has musical connections and roots which stretch back into the last century and in particular their involvement with celebrated folk/rock band The Chartists. The Chartists disbanded in 1991 and Wynford and Geoff went on their own musical journeys. Geoff was one of the founder members of the brilliant Allan Yn Y Fan in 1996, with whom he toured extensively in the UK and internationally, whilst releasing six acclaimed albums between 2003 and December 2018. At the start of 2022 Wynford and Geoff rekindled their friendship and their mutual respect for each other’s music-making skills. Initially they played as the trio Lauford Cripps alongside former Chartists member Laurence Eddy, and the superb live album celebrating that collaboration is ‘Lauford Cripps Live At BGFM Nantyglo’. Look out for it on our merchandise desk. Since Laurence’s departure, Wynford and Geoff are moving forward as a duo. Expect a virtuoso combination of instrumentalists and vocalists at the very top of their game. Mae gan y deuawd arbennig o Wynford Jones a Geoff Cripps gysylltiadau a gwreiddiau cerddorol sy’n ymestyn yn ôl i‘r ganrif ddiwethaf, yn arbennig gyda’r band adnabyddus The Chartists. Chwalodd y band hwnnw ym 1991 ac aeth y pâr ar deithiau cerddorol gwahanol. Roedd Geoff yn un o sylfaenwyr Allan Yn Y Fan ym 1996, ac fe deithiodd yn helaeth gyda nhw, gan ryddhau chwech albwm llwyddiannus rhwng 2003 a diwedd 2018. Ar ddechrau 2022 ail-gydiodd y pâr yn eu cyfeillgarwch a pharch tuag at eu doniau cerddorol. A’r canlyniad? Cyfuniad o offerynwyr a chanwyr ar frig y gêm..


The Great Basque Folk Orchestra and Dancers are a phenomenon you’ll never forget. We’re proud and privileged to present them in their own special concert on Sunday at 12noon. If you’re coming to our afternoon concert with Lindisfarne, get here early for the extra treat of your lives. GBFOD come from the town of Errenteria in north-east Spain’s fiercely-proud Basque region. There will be more than 50 (yes, FIFTY) incredible artists on stage. Besides the more recognisable instruments, there’ll also be seven albokas (a single-reed woodwind usually made out of animal horn); two dultzainas (a sort of oboe); five txalapartas (a percussion instrument); and six trikitixas (part of the accordion family). On top of this there’ll be 20 dancers and three guests from Wales: fiddle maestro Patrick Rimes, guitar genius Gwilym Bowen Rhys, and clog and contemporary dancer Angharad Harrop, one of Wales’ great dancers and teachers across a range of disciplines from ballet to clog. This concert is free to enter and utterly unmissable. Dyma ffenomenon bythgofiadwy. Rydyn ni’n hynod o falch i‘w cyflwyno mewn cyngerdd arbennig ar ddydd Sul am hanner dydd. Os dewch chi i gyngerdd Lindisfarne, cyrhaeddwch yn gynnar am brofiad gwefreiddiol. Daw’r gerddorfa a dawnswyr o dref Errenteria yng ngwlad y Basg. Bydd dros 50 (ie, HANNER CANT) o artistiaid rhyfeddol ar y llwyfan. Ochr-yn-ochr â’r offerynau arferol, bydd saith alboka (offeryn chythbren wnaed o gorn anifail); dau dultzaina (math o obo); pump txalaparta (offeryn taro); a chwech trikitixa (fersiwn o accordion). Ar ben hyn oll, fe welwn 20 o ddawnswyr a thri gwestai Cymreig: y maestro ffidil Patrick Rimes, y gitarydd athrylithgar Gwilym Bowen Rhys, a’r ddawnswraig gyfoes a chlocsen Angharad Harrop, un o’r dawnswyr ac athrawon gorau’r wlad ar draws sawl arddull – o’r glocsen i ballet. Mae’r gyngerdd hon yn rhad ac am ddim; peidiwch â’i cholli.


IF you’re a fan of Stranger Things and Ziggy Stardust - and all things in between - this one’s right up your street. Pretty soon, Joshua Burnell will be universally recognised as one of the great songwriters in modern folk and pop, and this is a rare chance to catch him up close and personal before he becomes a stadium filler. Joshua and his band rightly earned standing ovations at Fairport's Cropredy Convention, Towersey and Folkeast. He had already won the hearts of listeners and industry professionals with his 2020 album Flowers Where The Horses Sleep which earned him Folking Magazine’s Rising Star Award. Joshua’s latest album, Glass Knight, has risen to even greater heights, full of reimagined fairy tales and otherworldly characters - the Glass Knight being resurrected from an old English folk tale to reflect the foibles of the modern- day world. Os ydych chi’n mwynhau Stranger Things a Ziggy Stardust byddwch chi’n siwr o fwynhau hyn. Mae Joshua Burnell yn gyflym ennill ei blwyf fel un o’r mawrion ymysg awduron caneuon pop a gwerin, a dyma gyfle prin i‘w weld yn y cnawd cyn iddo ddechrau llenwi stadiymau mawr. Gafodd Joshua a’r band gymeradwyaeth gwyllt yn Cropredy, Towersey a Folkeast. Canmolwyd ei albwm ‘Flowers Where The Horses Sleep’ yn 2020 – ac ennillodd wobr ‘Rising Star’ yng nghylchgrawn ‘Folking’. Mae’r albwm diweddaraf, ‘Glass Knight’ - sy;n llawn straeon tylwyth teg a chymeriadau bydoedd eraill wedi’u ail-ddehongli i’r oes bresennol - wedi codi’r safon yn uwch byth,


Whiskey River play Americana - Cajun, Zydeco, Good Country and Low Down Dirty Blues. Check out their video below…it’s just about impossible to listen to their music without getting up and dancing. We can’t think of a better band to kick off the dance part of our festival. As their website explains, the current band was born after founder members Martin Blake and Aidan Sheehan flew over to Louisiana in 2003 and visited a dance hall called Whiskey River Landing, built on the edge of the Atchafalaya swamp. They had a fantastic Sunday afternoon there and got to thinking that Whiskey River might be a good name for a band. About a week later, a guy in a bar in Houston, Texas, heard them talking over a beer at the bar ("*Hey, are you guys from New England?" - "Nope, we're from Old England!*") and then gave them a plectrum with Whiskey River written on it. This was taken as "a definite sign" and the band they were working with back in the UK was renamed on their return. Mae’r band hwn yn chwarae Americana - Cajun, Zydeco, Good Country a Low Down Dirty Blues. Clcicwch isod i weld eu fideo. Mae’n annodd iawn gwrando arnynt heb godi ar eich traed a dawnsio. Dyma’r band delfrydol i ddechrau sesiwn ddawns yr ŵyl. Fel y gwelwch chi o’u gwefan, daeth enw’r band o ymweliad sylfaenwyr Martin Blake ac Aidan Sheehan i neuadd ddawns Whiskey River Landing yn Louisiana yn 2003. Cawsant brynhawn Sul gwych yno a chael meddwl efallai fod Whisky River yn enw da i fand. Tua wythnos yn ddiweddarach, clywodd boi mewn bar yn Houston, Texas, nhw'n siarad dros gwrw wrth y bar ("*Hei, ydych chi'n fechgyn o New England?" - "Nope, rydyn ni'n dod o Hen Loegr!*" ) ac yna rhoddodd iddynt blectrum gyda Whisky River wedi'i ysgrifennu arno. Cymerwyd hyn fel "arwydd pendant" ac ailenwyd y band yr oeddent yn gweithio gyda hwy yn ôl yn y DU ar ôl iddynt ddychwelyd.


Described as ‘Elegance with acoustic aplomb’ , and as ‘oozing class’ by Country Music Magazine and RnR Magazine, Rob Lear is one of this country’s premier songwriters. Albums such as Motorcycle Heart and Strange Days have cemented a reputation for stunning melodies and instantly memorable lyrics. “Great songs with such a sad voice,” says pop legend Justin Hayward of the Moody Blues. Producer Greg Haver (Manic Street Preachers, Cerys Matthews, Catatonia, Melanie C, kt tunstall ) reckons that Rob is “one of the best singer songwriters around.” Rob’s third album, Strange Days, encapsulates the Rob Lear Band sound as a fusion of Folk, Americana, pop and a touch of rockabilly. Rob’s songs draw on the memories, experiences and coming-of-age tales growing up in the Welsh Valleys. Live, the Rob Lear Band blend elements of beautiful vocal harmonies and a wide range of instruments including accordion, mandolin, violin and percussion. Besides Rob on guitars and vocals, his band are: Liz Conteh (vocals, djembe and accordion); Terry Payne (guitar, mandolin and violin); and Tom Long (bass, drum and cajon). Disgrifiwyd Rob Lear gan Country Music Magazine fel ‘elegance with acoustic aplomb’, ac ‘oozing class’ gan RnR Magazine. Mae Rob yn awdur caneuon o fri: mae ‘’ a ‘’ yn cynnwys caneuon llawn melodi a geiriau cofiadwy. Yn ôl Justin Hayward o’r Moody Blues, “Great songs with such a sad voice”. Medd y cynhyrchydd Greg Haver (Manic Street Preachers, Cerys Matthews, Catatonia, Melanie C, kt tunstall ) “Rob is one of the best singer songwriters around.” Yn ei drydydd albwm, Strange Days mae’n plethu gwerin, Americana, pop a rhywfaint o rockabilly. Ysbrydolir Rob gan ei brofiadau wrth ddod i oed yng nghymoedd de Cymru. Wrth chwarae’n fyw, mae’r band yn cyflwyno canu llawn cytgord ac amrywiaeth eang o offernynau. Gyda Rob ar gitâr a llais cawn glywed Liz Conteh (llais, djembe ac accordion); Terry Payne (gitâr, mandolin a ffidil); a Tom Long (bas, drymiau a cajon).


BETHAN NIA is a sensational harpist and folk singer who has captivated audiences across the UK. Her unique mix of gentle instrumental brilliance and cutting-edge choice of contemporary material makes Bethan the perfect choice to headline our sensory-lite concert on Friday afternoon. Bethan has already wowed Glastonbury, captivating festival supremo Michael Eavis (who, let’s face it, has seen the best in the world). She was “fantastic” he exclaimed. BBC Radio’s Frank Hennessy, the effective godfather and curator-in-chief of Welsh folk, adds: “This is a superb mixture of the traditional and contemporary, her harp-playing perfectly matching a gorgeous voice.” Bethan’s stunning debut album ‘Ffiniau’ is an end-to-end bilingual masterpiece produced by REM’s studio whizz Charlie Francis. Which is all a very long way from her days busking in Pontypridd. “I hope that songs from ‘Ffiniau’ will relax, soothe and enchant listeners,” says Bethan who will be joined on stage by Welsh virtuoso Meg Cox on fiddle and bodhran, reflecting the melodic and percussive elements of the harp with harmonics and rhythms. Mae Bethan sy’n delynores a chantores gwerin gyffrous - wedi cyfareddu cynulleidfaoedd ledled y DU gyda chyfuniad o chwarae medrus a dewis arloesol o gerddoriaeth gyfoes. Bethan, felly yw’r artist perffaith i arwain ein cyngerdd ar brynhawn Gwener. Ar ôl ei pherfformiad yn Glastonbury, dywedodd Michael Eavis (sydd wedi gweld y gorau yn y byd, wedi’r cyfan) ei bod hi’n “fantastic”. Yn ôl Frank Hennessy o Radio Wales, “This is a superb mixture of the traditional and contemporary, her harp-playing perfectly matching a gorgeous voice.” Cynhyrchwyd albwm cyntaf (dwyieithog) Bethan, ‘Ffiniau’, gan Charlie Francis (cynhyrchydd REM); mae hi wedi symud yn bell ers chwarae ar strydoedd Pontypridd! Yn ymuno â Bethan ar y llwyfan bydd y meistres Gymreig Meg Cox ar ffidil a bodhran, gan adlewyrchu elfennau melodig ac ergydiol y delyn gyda harmonics a rhythmau.


AWARD-winning instrumentalist, fine singer and comedian…Jeff Japers is a one-man phenomenon capable of reducing an audience to fits of laughter then stunning them to silence with a heart-stopping lyric. In this concert he’ll be focusing most on his wonderful songs. Since moving to Pontypridd from his native north of England in the early 90s, Jeff has lit up the Welsh music scene - both as a solo artist and with his band Gaudy Orde. It’s safe to say that there’s nothing and no one else like him on the circuit. In 2022 Jeff won the prestigious Musical Comedy Awards including not just the the judges vote but also the Audience Favourite Award. Self-effacing Jeff describes his act as “inoffensive daftness”. He’s a lot more than that. Don’t miss him. Mae Jeff yn offerynwr, canwr a digrifwr sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr. Mae’n wir band-un-dyn all wneud i chi grio’n chwerthin cyn eich tawelu gyda chân teimladwy. Yn ei gyngerdd eleni fydd e’n canolbwyntio ar ei ganeuon gorau. Ers symud I Bontypridd o ogledd Lloegr (lle cafodd ei fagu) yn y 90au cynnar, mae Jeff wedi goleuo’r sîn gerddorol yng Nghymru – fel unawdwr a gyda’i fand Gaudy Orde. Cawn ddweud yn ddiogel na welwch chi mo’i debyg un unman. Yn 2022 ennillodd Jeff wobr y beirniaid a’r cyhoedd yn y Musical Comedy Awards. Yn ei ffordd ddiymhongar, mae’n disgrifio ei waith fel gwirioni di-niwed. Mae’n llawer mwy na hynny. Peidiwch a’i golli.


ANYONE new to a Dan The Hat performance is in for an unforgettable treat. In his own words: “I’m a comedian, juggler and a stupid stuntman. I’m a Victorian gentleman on a penny-farthing and I’m one half of a pair of cows.” Dan appeared for us in 2023 and was so brilliant and popular we had to have him back. Kids adore him and so do grown-ups. Loads of skill, loads of audience participation (to be honest, whether you like it or not) and a heap of improvised silliness. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed. Just take a look at one of his videos (there are loads more, you can google them). He’s here in our Music section because, frankly, he defies any category. But we know that most of the people on this page will be coming over to watch him anyway so we reckon he’ll feel at home here. Os nad ydych chi wedi gweld hwn o’r blaen cewch wledd fythgofiadwy. Yn ei eiriau ei hun: “I’m a comedian, juggler and a stupid stuntman. I’m a Victorian gentleman on a penny-farthing and I’m one half of a pair of cows.” Ar ôl ei berfformiad penigamp y llynedd roedd raid i ni estyn gwahoddiad iddo ddychwelyd. Mae plant ac oedolion fel ei gilydd wrth eu boddau gyda fe. Llawn sgiliau, mae e’n tynnu’r gynulleidfa i mewn (os dymunant ai peidio) a gwirioni’n llwyr. Cawn sicrhau na chewch chi’ch siomi. Cymerwch gip ar un o’i fideos (mae hen ddigon ohonynt – chwiliwch amdanynt ar-lein). Mae e’n ymddangos yma ar y dudalen gerddoriaeth er nad yw’n bosibl i‘w gategoreiddio. Ond mae’n debyg y bydd pawb sy’n ymddangos ar y dudalen yn awyddus i‘w weld, beth bynnag.


Andy Clode is the winner of our Singer-Songwriter competition with his beautiful song, Twisted, Troubled Times. In a superb field of entries praised by our judges for all-round excellence and diversity, Andy won praise for his incisive lyrics and memorable tune. In fact, both qualities are hallmarks of many of his compositions and we look forward to hearing him play on our main stage on Saturday, May 11. Andy Clode yw enillydd ein cystadleuaeth Canwr-Ysgrifennwr gyda’i gân hyfryd, Twisted, Troubled Times. Mewn maes gwych o geisiadau a ganmolwyd gan ein beirniaid am ragoriaeth ac amrywiaeth cyffredinol, enillodd Andy ganmoliaeth am ei eiriau treiddgar a’i alaw gofiadwy. Yn wir, mae’r ddau rinwedd yn nodweddu llawer o’i gyfansoddiadau ac edrychwn ymlaen at ei glywed yn chwarae ar ein prif lwyfan ddydd Sadwrn, Mai 11.


The Laners have been entertaining audiences in pubs and clubs and at festivals for almost 40 years, and have had various formations during that time. The current members are Clive Brooks, Pete Grassby and Dave Tarry (now the only original member). Most of their material comprises English traditional folk songs but they also sing shanties and an increasing number of the many fabulous contemporary songs that are coming into the tradition. Almost all their songs have big choruses, so audience participation is mandatory; just sitting and listening isn't an option. Catch them as part of Newport Folk Club’s session on Sunday. Mae'r Laners wedi bod yn diddanu cynulleidfaoedd mewn tafarndai a chlybiau ac mewn gwyliau ers bron i 40 mlynedd, ac wedi cael gwahanol ffurfiannau yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw. Yr aelodau presennol yw Clive Brooks, Pete Grassby a Dave Tarry (yr unig aelod gwreiddiol bellach). Caneuon gwerin traddodiadol Seisnig yw'r rhan fwyaf o'u deunydd ond maent hefyd yn canu siantis a nifer cynyddol o'r caneuon cyfoes bendigedig niferus sy'n dod i'r traddodiad. Mae gan bron bob un o'u caneuon gytganau mawr, felly mae cyfranogiad y gynulleidfa yn orfodol; nid yw eistedd a gwrando yn opsiwn.